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All Blacks Curranz Blackcurrant Extract

All Blacks Curranz Blackcurrant Extract

All Blacks Curranz Blackcurrant Extract

Healthspan Elite
All Blacks CurraNZ Blackcurrant Extract Containing the natural power of New Zealand blackcurrants, CurraNZ Blackcurrant Extract is a highly trusted formulation packed with blackcurrants. The properties of these little berries, and their active ingredient, anthocyanins, is an innovative and exciting addition to your daily routine, to help support your overall wellbeing and performance. Click here to find out more about CurraNZ and their powerful blackcurrants . Blackcurrants are super little berries that are grown in many places in the world, but none match the mighty New Zealand berry, which thrives in New Zealands pristine growing conditions. Due to strong UV sunlight and cold winters, CurraNZ blackcurrants are known for containing the highest levels of anthocyanins in the world! Anthocyanins are the plant compounds that give blackcurrants their deep purple colour. Developed with the All Blacks With 25 years experience in nutrition, many leading athletes trust Healthspan Elite for their supplement needs and what works for them, can work for you too. Weve partnered up with the All Blacks, taking advice from their nutritionist and the players themselves to deliver a winning range of proteins and supplements, made with the finest ingredients to help you stay healthy and perform to your best. Clean, lean, green It was important for us to launch a range that aligned with our clean, lean, green ethos: this product is Informed Sport approved and fully lab−tested for peace of mind (Clean), with a science−backed formulation to help you achieve your goals (Lean) and containing a plant−based natural ingredient sourced from New Zealand and suitable for vegans (Green). A range you can trust This product has undergone rigorous testing by LGCs world−class sports anti−doping laboratory, Sport and Specialised Analytical Services, for a wide range of substances banned by the World Anti−Doping Agency (WADA) to provide the highest levels of assurance possible for athletes.

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