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Pregnancy Support Formula

Pregnancy Support Formula

Pregnancy Support Formula

Our pregnancy support formula is a scientifically developed formulation of 20 important vitamins and minerals nbspPregnancy support formula has been carefully developed by nutritional experts so that all ingredient levels are within safe levels for pregnancy and are moderate rather than excessive We have formulated a comprehensive spectrum of essential nutrients at carefully chosen safe levelsUK Department of Health approved ingredientsThe UK Department of Health recommends women planning a baby should take a supplement containing 400mcg of folic acid from the start of trying to conceive until the 12th week of pregnancy nbspOur supplement contains 400mcg folic acid and 10mcg vitamin D the exact level as recommended by the UK Department of HealthFor all of pregnancyPregnancy support formula can be taken before conception to build up the stores of nutrients such as iron in women who are trying for a baby Good nutrition is important to help prepare a womans body for the additional demands placed on it during pregnancy Certain nutrients like folic acid vitamin B12 and zinc are also of particular importance from the very first moment of conception Zinc contributes to normal fertility and reproduction whilst vitamin B12 contributes to normal red blood cell formation and also has a role in the process of cell divisionnbspGood nutritional intake is vital throughout pregnancy not just the first 12 weeks With this supplement you get essential nutrients throughout pregnancy including folic acid which plays an important role during the full nine months and contributes to normal blood formationnbspA fraction of the cost of the UKs most well known brandOur pregnancy support formula contains only the highest quality ingredients and has a formula almost identical to the high street brand everyone knows Our supplement is a fraction of the price without any sacrifice in the quality of the product - your body deserves the best during pregnancynbsp

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