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Vitamin E Natural 400iu

Vitamin E Natural 400iu

Vitamin E Natural 400iu

What is Vitamin EVitamin E also known as alpha tocopherolnbspis believed by many to be thenbspmost important antioxidantnbspin our bodies Our 400iu Vitamin E capsule is the level most often recommended by health nutritionists Research by health professionals has suggested that it plays a key role in helping to maintain cardiovascular health the reason behind this is that it is believed to help good poly-unsaturated fats from being oxidised and changed into saturated fats Vitamin E alsonbspsupports the bodies protection against oxidative stress caused by toxins and chemicalsnbspBeneficial to heart and circulation system healthFound in every cell of our bodiesnbspVitamin E has powerful antioxidant properties that help protect the cells of the body from damage by free radicals Vitamin E may also - as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle - help maintain a healthy heart and circulatory systemnbspWidely used in the beauty industryThe beauty industry has noted its benefits too and many skin and sun care preparations boast their Vitamin E content Vitamin E is found in only a few foods and these foods are usually high in fat so people following a low-fat diet may also benefit from taking a supplementHigh strength all natural formVitamin E can be obtained from our diets but it is easily destroyed in food cooking In itsnbspnatural form as d-alpha tocopherolnbspour supplement in a convenient capsule form helps ensure that you can obtain enough of this vitamin

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